Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Make Change For Japan

Last week a gigantic earthquake (measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale) struck Japan, adding to the devastation a tsunami with 7 meter high waves later hit the east coast of Japan leaving a huge trial of destruction. The death toll currently stands at 3,000 and is expected to raise to around 10,000 as the search for missing loved ones continues. However the ones lucky enough to come away with their lives, are likely to be among the 2,000 seriously injured, rarely still have their homes and are likely to be separated from friends and family. Since the quake and tsunami hit, only a few days ago 3 nuclear plants have blown up leaving millions of houses without electricity and water, and causing a very dangerous environment.

Yesterday I set up a fundraising campaign to help raise money for The British Red Cross, who are in desperate need of support as they work with the Japanese Red Cross providing healthcare, support staff and teams to asses the damage and needs of the communities affected. Temporary centers have been set up in schools and public buildings housing more than 500,000 of the victims left homeless, The Red Cross have already mobilized 85 teams to assist in such centers.

The idea of my campaign is very simple, yet hopefully effective. I am encouraging people to make a simple change to their lifestyle and donate the money they are saving to the campaign, for example walking or cycling to work instead of getting the bus, or having a packed lunch instead of buying their lunch. I have also suggested that supporters could get together with friends and plan a cheap night in instead of a night out and donate the money they save.

I want people to be inventive with what they do to save money! I would like to stress I am not asking for people to donate money they do not have just simply give up something they don't need (however big or small) and donate the money instead.

Make a SMALL change in your life and make a BIG difference for victims in Japan!

As part of my campaign I have put together a Facebook event called Make Change For Japan, set up a twitter trend #makechangeforjapan through my twitter account @JasmineBellPR and created a just-giving site to make donations safe and simple (donating directly to The Red Cross) for my supporters. 

It has only been 24 hours since I launched my campaign and already managed to raise £141.34 for the cause. I aim to reach my target of £1,000 within the next month. However with the generosity of friends, family and followers I am confident I will exceed my aim.

Please follow my campaign and do what you can to help; plan a cheap evening with friends, cook instead of having a takeaway, give up buying a bar of chocolate, have one less drink on our night out...do whatever you can! Let me know what you come up with so I can give others ideas! 


Just Giving - Make Change For Japan
Make Change for Japan

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